Peace up A Town Down

With a Braves win and a visit to the Big Chicken no trip to Atlanta will be a waste. I stopped in A Town before flying out to Africa and enjoyed non stop entertainment. Lea drove her 51mpg Prius up from New Orleans and my dad and I tried our best to get on the big screen at Turner field by wearing our matching jerseys. We thought we had a chance when we scored $65 seats right behind home plate with $10food credit and a parking pass for $50 outside the Varsity, another greasy Atlanta staple.
We didn't get on the big screen but we were treated to an amazing game and fireworks after. The next day was spent at the GA aquarium. It was my second time but I was blown away. The whale shark tank (they have 4 now) was absolutely gorgeous. Whale Sharks, massive manta rays, sawfish, ragged toothed sharks, and tons of other fish swam in one of the biggest tanks in the world.
And we managed to get back to Grandma's house just before the skies opened up and I experienced my first thunderstorm in years. It may have only lasted for 30 minutes but I love it. We really miss those on the West coast.
Now a 13 hour drive has brought me to NY where I will fly out to Nairobi tomorrow. The fun just doesn't stop.
-Dai Mar
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