
Showing posts with the label Chum

First Salmon Run of the Season

The Chum Salmon heading upstream Lining the River   Here we go! I've been looking and looking for salmon to start showing up in numbers in all the Southeast Alaska streams. It only took a closer look in Juneau to find my first salmon run! And it actually turned out to be two different runs, the chum and the sockeye! Eagles Eagles Everywhere   The first was at Lemon Creek. The fact that hundreds of bald eagles were surrounding the creek was a great tip off that something was up. A closer look at the creek showed that is was packed with chum salmon. They fought their way upstream in the creek that was only inches deep. Still they fought on. It seemed that some had either already spawned and passed on or perhaps just ran out of energy. There were salmon carcasses all around. Feasting on fresh salmon "This is my meal."    Quite a few of the carcasses could be chocked up to the hungry eagles. I got up close and personal with one juvenile bald eag...