
Showing posts with the label corana cruise

I'm Going Home!

 I though I would do this post a little different. i will copy different messages and emails that I've sent out in order to keep the family updated on all the twists and turns of my corona cruise adventure. At the time of writing I'm one flight away from making it home to Maui, and to Heidi, Catalina, and Fisher! April 16th: Insanity Workout Crew onboard  Well we made it to Tenerife Island, one of the Canary Islands. Lots of atlantic spotted  dolphins were playing around the ship today. Tenerife looks a lot like Hawaii from afar, with a big volcano sticking up out of the water. Also, lots of windmills dotted the island's slope. Even though these islands are part of Spain, they are located off the west coast of Morocco.  April 19th : It's another nice day sitting at anchor off Tenerife. Sometimes we can see the next isl and, Grand Canary. We can always see the other ships at anchor with us. There are three Silversea ships here. Tomorrow is the day when all three s...