The Locals

Some places the people are just naturally photogenic. Africa is definitely one of those places. The kids here often pose for a picture, especially after you show them the result on the screen. The one boy pushing the tire rim with a stick is a common sight on our walks. How this game came about I have no idea. And check out the little boy with an even smaller baby on his back. Imagine having that responsibility when you were six years old. Their mother was no where in sight.
Seeing these kids smiling and playing also goes to show you how happy you can be with so little. Clothes on your back, food in your stomach, interesting foreigners walking around, and a couple of sticks make for a pretty fun day for these young ones. There is certainly something to be said about kids playing outside, getting dirty, and socializing. No lame cubes or no-friend-dos here. Maybe less really is more...

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