
Showing posts with the label clouds

Partial Solar Eclipse, Maui, Hawaii 5/9/13

Partial Solar Eclipse   Waking up this morning I had no idea I was waking in the only state able to witness the solar eclipse. Lucky viewers in the southern Pacific had a perfect view of an annular solar eclipse in which a 'ring of fire' from the sun surrounds the dark circle of the moon. Here in Hawaii this was the best of the partial eclipse. These photos were taken right before 4pm local time at the height of the eclipse. But preparing and finally getting the shots was not as easy as I would have thought.  After rushing home from work I grabbed my camera bag and headed to a favorite overlook to try my hand at a new kind of photography. Special lenses are not just recommended for sun glasses but also for cameras pointing right at the sun. Unfortunately I did not have any special lenses so I had to come up with something.   First I set my camera up on a tripod and switched onto 2sec timer mode. I set the focus on the distant horizon and switched to manual to lock...