
Showing posts with the label transkei hike

Driving the Wild Coast of South Africa

Lighthouses and Sulphur Springs on The Wild Coast of South Africa Lighthouse Keeper and me From East London to Durban Highway 2 winds its way through rolling green hills dotted with colorful houses as it travels a thousand kilometers through the lesser traveled parts of South Africa. Towns like Port St John dot the rugged coastline here which has been nicknamed the ‘Wild Coast.’ This is where the famous Sardine run happens in June and July. Exploring around Port St Johns I made my way up to an old lighthouse overlooking the coast and was told by the lighthouse keeper that when the sardine run happens he can see it all from his window; huge schools of sardines, dolphins, whales, birds, and even sharks. But in all the other months of the year the Wild Coast is more famous for its network of hiking trails.  Wild Coast of South Africa The transkei hike follows the coastline and connects the small port towns. It is a very popular hike with backpackers and comes com...