
Showing posts with the label marine mammals

How to Take Professional Quality Photos of Dolphins in the Wild

      How To Take Professional Quality Photos of Dolphins in the Wild    This article hopes to help you get the most out of your wild dolphin encounter. If you have ever tried to take photos of wild dolphins you know how hard it can be trying to time it just right as they leap out of the water. Or if you are headed to a place like Hawaii you may be lucky enough to see them in the water. After living on the water for the greater part of the last decade I have had countless opportunities to photograph dolphins, and I have found several tips and tricks to nailing the best shot. Leaping Spotted Dolphins    As with any wildlife photography, the more you research and learn about your animal subject, the better position you will be in to nail the best photograph. Different species of dolphins act differently so knowing what their behaviors are can be essential. What makes dolphin and whale photography so difficult is the fact that they only spend ...