
Showing posts with the label Moorhen

Kawai Nui Marsh Hike

Rocky outcropping in Kawai Nui Marsh    The Kawai Nui marsh is the largest wetlands in Hawaii at a little over 800 acres. I've seen people walking far out through the marsh over a levy but I've never stopped to really search for the trail head. Heidi and I searched for a bit and found a trail leading to this big, lava rock outcropping. It provided a great view over the marsh and even a little trail down to a fresh water pool, but no access deeper into the marsh. Secret Swimming Hole   After admiring some of the beautiful flowers growing around the trail we got some advice on where to find the trail to the levy. Our local advice proved much better than our smart phones so we were soon on the path leading out into the Kawai Nui marsh. Heidi checking out the levy Mountains and Marsh   It is always interesting hiking through a part of the islands that is so unique. There are so many different environments here from rainforest, to desert, to wetland...