
Showing posts with the label El Nino

Wild Weather and Big Waves in Hawaii

  The Safari Explorer in the background with waves crashing artistically in the foreground. I took this picture from our small skiff that I was driving with our guests. Maybe I can blame El Nino for the unusual weather patterns out here in the Hawaiian Islands recently. But whatever it has been, 'unusual', is an understatement. I've been running expeditions from a small cruise ship around the islands for the past three weeks, and we have had big waves and winds the entire time. While that isn't in itself unusual, the directions the wind and waves have been coming from is highly unusual. The winds usually come from the Northeast so consistently that they are dubbed the 'trade winds.' Early traders used to rely on them to sail their merchant ships out to Hawaii. Then they would travel farther north to catch the 'westerlies' and ride them back to San Francisco area. The trade winds have been no where to be seen, so instead our usual calm protected western s...