Stave Island Party 2024


The 2024 Crew

Every year, an epic party occurs on a little island in the middle of Lake Champlain. It is invite only and only the cream of the crop make it out. It is called the Stave Island Party, of SIP for short. If you have every been, you know it can be a wild and crazy time. 2024 was no exception. The Rye gang came out in force, and brought plenty of kids with them. It has been fun watching the energy change from carefree adults to parents of young kids.

The weather stayed nice, there was plenty of food and beer to go around. Baseball seemed to be the hit of the show with the younger crowd, although the adults got their swings in too. Some fun volleyball occurred, and lots of of circumnavs around the island via paddle board and kayak. Snakes were caught and towers were climbed. The farmhouse dock may not have been saved from the water, but there was some power lifting going on with the one axle that washed up after the storm. A little excitement came on Saturday when I needed a high octane boat rescue after being blown down to Carlton's Prize in the sunfish. Luckily Ryan, Bob, and Bruce were up for the challenge. 

While the weekend wasn't totally absent of injuries, Seth and his nose, and a few cuts and scrapes, it was relatively pain free. I'm very impressed that we managed to get a complete group photo in. Take a look at all those kids! Till next year!

The kids, rocking their SIP 2024 shirts

Kids and dogs alike were worn out after the weekend

Bruce and I were just getting the fire going when Ali brought over a dozen hungry kids ready for s'mores

Catalina getting taller

Fisher turned 5 during SIP this year.

It wouldn't be a birthday without some dinosaur toys.

Do you think you could lift that?

Spreading Bill's ashes

What a specimen

The kids all lining up for a photo

Fisher in his bog exploring outfit.

The monkey playground was a happening place this weekend.

Hiking around the island and looking for clues of Blackbeard's Treasure


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