Wild Nudibranchs of Hawaii

Blue Dragon
Red Spotted Nudibranch
 Over the course of three dives Heidi and I found ourselves in nudibranch heaven. We didn't even have to go to some far off land, just right off our own coast here in Hawaii. We scoured the waters of the Big Island and a couple of spots on Lanai, but it seems that Maui is the hotspot for nudibranch hunters. Many of these nudibranchs are the 'usual suspects' which we often look for. These pictures are from Wailea Point, Turtle Town, and Dai Mar&Heidi's Reef (a site which Heidi stumbled across while researching old nudibranch surveys and we explored together.)

    Over the years we have seen many rare and unusual species of nudibranchs around the world. Just the other day we spotted some of first Atlantic Ocean nudibranchs so the search continues. The bright coloration and amazing patterns never cease to amaze me.
Orange Blob

Tom Smith's Nudibranch

Trembling Nudibranch

Imperial Nudibranchs
Imperial Nudi

Gloomy Nudibranch

Snow Goddess Nudibranch
Dot and Dash Nudibranch

Gold Lace Nudibranch
Gold Lace Nudibranch

Violet-Gilled Nudibranch
Danielle's Nudibranch


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