Back in Seattle for Spring B.C. Trips

Ready for more of this $15 Mariners tix I'm back for round 2 on the Safari Quest and year 4 for an UnCruise summer season. I'll be expedition leader aboard the 22 passengers luxury cruise yacht Safari Quest, doing weeklong trips on the British Columbia coast as well as the Inside Passage of Alaska. But first we need to unpack the boat which has been getting upgrades and maintenance over the winter at Fishermen's Terminal in Seattle. Plus I get to meet the new team! Although by this time I know pretty much everyone I'll be working with and quite a few are returning from working the Quest last season. Still gives us a good reason for bonding over baseball games and mini golf hijinx. Lala, Amie, Kerri, Dirk, Emily, Denee, Anastasia, Mark, and Myself The streets lit up with Spring colors Safari Quest in action The weather is some of the best I've experienced here in the spring time. The wildflowers are just starting to bloom, as are the cher...