Nudibranchs in the sand storm
An umbrella slug, about the size of my hand was almost completely camouflaged despite its bright orange exterior by covering itself with sand. Two bright orange rhinophores sticking out gave it away. A snow goddess nudibranch was found hanging out under a small ledge trying to find protection from the surge. The next nudibranch we spotted was my first ever Jolly Green Giant nudibranch out during the day. I had seen only seen two others up till now and both were at night. This guy had a damaged rhinophore and was about the size of Heidi's pinky nail, but stunning color.
No dive is complete here without seeing a gloomy nudibranch and we almost went the whole dive without one but I found this little guy braving the surge on the outside of some coral covered rocks. It was the smallest one I have seen yet.
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