Above and Below the Ocean

This will be my last post from the west coast of California for a while. I finished the summer on the Tole Mour with an amazing trip and an incredible crew. The water was finally starting to warm up after being unusually cold all summer and the whales were out in force. The sailing life has not gotten old, I would love to be on Tole Mour on into the Fall, but the lure of baseball and wildlife in Africa is too great. Hopefully I can send some pretty cool updates from there. This first pick was with a little point and shoot camera on a snorkel that I was leading at Pelican Bay, Santa Cruz Island. There were amazing arches, crevices, and sea caves. Beautiful anemones like this were on the rocks outside of one of the sea caves. The second pic is of two humpback whales that hung out with our ship for about 25minutes. The got closer and closer until one started scratching his belly on the bottom of the Tole Mour. It was a beautiful day and the water was clear enough to get pictures like this...