Swimming with Dolphins Video

A pod of Hawaiian spinner dolphins
Back home on Oahu after near two months of being away I wasted no time in reacquainting myself with some of the more colorful local residents. Pods of spinner dolphins can often be seen playing in the water very close to the shoreline all around the Hawaiian islands. During the day they like to relax in shallow, sandy bays before heading to deeper water at night to find food.
 While it is fun to watch spinner dolphins from the shore or from a boat, there is something magical about seeing them underwater. They have a certain grace and curiosity that hints at their intelligence. We can relate to their family grouping and playfulness as well. Knowing how to observe them is very important. I take care not to chase them or frighten them when I take photographs of dolphins. Luckily I can hold my breath for a while so when I know the dolphins are heading my way I can swim down and wait for them with my camera at the ready. That way they don't feel like I am approaching them or threatening them.
If you have been dreaming all your life of swimming with dolphins out in the wild then a trip to Oahu might just have to be in your future. Check out a quick video I put together from this amazing encounter.


  1. Wow! Seeing that dolphin pretty close is awesome. I love those creatures. I am very fascinated by them when I get to see one at dolphins argyll. Nice one!


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