Nudibranch Heaven

Heidi and I went on a pretty adventurous scuba dive into breaking waves and murky water in order to find some of the more elusive species of marine life. We made it out of the murky water once we hit about 20ft deep and that is when the nudibranchs, or underwater slugs, started appearing. Unlike slugs on land, nudibranchs are highly sought after by underwater photographers for their beautiful colors and unusual body shapes. You can see the frilly parts on top of the nudibranchs which are their exposed gills. If you look closely at the top picture you will notice the lack of exposed gills...that's because it's not a's a flatworm!

From top to bottom: Fuschia flatworm, White Margin Nudibranch, Tom Smith's Nudibranch, and a Kangaroo Nudibranch


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