One with the Wild

There is something that feels so pure and natural when I am surrounded by wildlife. Walking past herds of zebras, impalas, warthogs, giraffes, and gazelles, you start to realize that anything could happen. There could be predators in the grass, fights for dominance, or mating displays. I always used to tell the kids that snorkels and scuba dives are like treasure hunts, you never know what you will see. This is the same feeling. We took a big flashlight out on a night drive last night looking for nocturnal animals. I was waving the light slowly back and forth when all of the sudden, from the high grass right next to the road, two red cat eyes were glaring back at me. We stopped and a tall cat, twice the size of a big house cat, called a Serval jumped up showing off his spotted coat before disappearing off into the night. The next pair of eyes we came across gave off a green reflection and belonged to a hyena.
The landscapes, clouds, and sunsets have been gorgeous as well. I am looking forward to spending some quality time out in the bush after the baseball tournament!


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